Special Allocation

The SGI Budget Committee evaluates and processes special allocation requests for Non-Greek student organizations across campus. By meeting bi-weekly, they serve the student body by following St. John’s mission and working directly with organizations as they plan events.

Special Allocation is an opportunity to request monies beyond the budgets provided to student organizations. The following requirements must be fulfilled in order to obtain funding:

I. Complete a Special Allocation Request Form

  • via Engage (for any amount)

II. Submission of the following paperwork:

  • Facilities Pass
  • Pre-bills – for all expenditures on company letterhead
  • Brief statement – explaining why the organization would like to request money from special allocation, as well as a detailed breakdown of all pricing being requested

III. All paperwork must be submitted at least one week before the budget meeting in which the request will be reviewed and at least 30 business days before the event in order for paperwork to be processed.

  • SGI Budget Committee: All Organizations (excluding Greek organizations and organizations with budgets larger than $2,000)
  • Inter-Greek Budget Committee: Fraternities and Sororities
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