Advisors & Moderators

Student Group Advisors

Exist to provide organizations with support in balancing the challenges and triumphs of being active leaders, while excelling as students and responsible individuals.

Student Group Advisors are administratively responsible for SGi recongized student organizations and ensure that student organizations are in compliance with University and Department guidelines. Not to be mistaken with Faculty Moderators, Student Group Advisors are assigned and assist organizations with all programmatic and financial ventures that require the use of University space or finances (including budget, earned income, and petty cash).Student Group Advisors work closely with Student Government, Incorporated to ensure that organizations receive all the information and support needed to function as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Student Group Advisors sign off on all paperwork:
• Coursedog Room reservation forms
• Budget Requisition forms
• Contract requests
• Guest Policy requests, and more!

Failure to follow proper protocols and procedure can result in the cancellation of an event, loss of organizations privileges, possible loss of SGi recognition and leadership status.  

Helpful Tips:

As a student leader, it is in your best interest to keep open communication lines between you and your Student Group advisor.

Be sure to notify your advisor of:
• Any changes in leadership or significant changes to structure of organization
• Conflict among members of the organization or problems that may arise
• Major programs and event ideas (i.e. outdoor events, fundraisers, speakers, and performers, etc…)

Event requests and contract approvals require time to process. To be on the safe side, submit all requests to your Student Group Advisor at least 4 to 6 weeks before the event date.

For more information about the role of your Student Group advisor, please contact your assigned advisor.

Student Group Advisors

Faculty Moderators

The Office of Campus Activities urges each organization to consider selecting a Faculty Moderator to complement the guidance and support of the Student Group Advisor.

Unlike a Student Group Advisor, the Faculty Moderator is an individual who serves as a faculty member of the St. John’s community and chooses to extend their knowledge and experience outside of the classroom. His/her job is to serve as a resource to your organization and to provide the group with insight and feedback.

How to Choose a Faculty Moderator

When approaching a potential moderator, make sure the organization’s members are comfortable with the choice and choose an individual from which the group can most benefit from. For instance: Alpha Kappa Psi, Business Honor Society, might approach a member of the Tobin School of Business to be a Faculty Moderator. Remember to give your prospective moderator an explanation of the organization’s history, purpose, program description, needs, and expectations. This information will assist the potential faculty moderator in determining whether or not to take on the opportunity presented.

Key Points to Consider

• Individuals should have an interest in the students and the organization's personal growth and development beyond the classroom
• Strong desire to help others
• Be able and willing to commit sufficient time to the group
• Ability to motivate and work well with others
• Enthusiasm and dedication

The Faculty Moderator is an additional resource for student organizations, not a substitute for the organization’s Student Group Advisor. Faculty Moderators do not set policies, have the authority to approve events, allocate organization funds, or override the decisions of your Student Group Advisor. Faculty Moderators work with the Student Group Advisor to ensure the success of the organization and add value to the organization.

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