
The GivePulse Service tracking platform, students have the ability and are encouraged to track any and all community service hours that they have performed. GivePulse can be accessed from your St. John's SignOn login page from the app.

Please note the following updates and expectations related to using the GivePulse platform for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

1. Program and Organization Requirements:
A. COHORT USER UPLOADS: For programs and orgs (e.g., Ozanam Scholars, Catholic Scholars, SVdP, Alpha Kappa Alpha), make sure to       upload/add your cohorts to your group pages.
B. GROUP TAGS: For programs cohorts and orgs (e.g., Ozanam Scholars, Catholic Scholars, SVdP):
     i. tag all cohort and org members as the program name (e.g. Tag, Ozanam Scholars, Cohort 2024).
         If you need tags created, contact Fedaling Agwumezie, Assistant Director Assessment and Community Partnerships at                 

2. Updates & Requirements for Event Creation:
A. LOCATION: All service opportunities must have location/address added to it (E.G. City, State, Zip Code)
B. CAUSES: All service opportunities must contain no less than, and no more than 3-5 causes connected to them. These causes should reflect:
    i. Theme of service (e.g., civic engagement, healthcare, education)
    ii. Population being served (e.g., elders, unhoused, justice of the peace individuals)
    iii. 1-3 additional components related to the service
    iv. Please REFRAIN from adding more than 5 causes

i. Make sure to tag them as “Direct” or “Indirect”. These tags have already been created in GivePulse
ii. All service opportunities must be tagged with the name of the organization.

For student organizations that need assistance with creating service opportunities for their groups on GivePulse, complete the Service Submission form.

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