Communications Guidelines


St. John's University Student Organizations Communication Policy


This Policy applies to all methods and forms of communication (print, online, in-person) by St. John’s University student organizations, and all communication by members of such organizations acting on behalf of or in concert with such student organizations. The Policy is designed to help student organizations and their members create and share communications that foster a positive, supportive, and inclusive community. The rules, requirements, and examples set forth in this Policy are illustrative and not exhaustive, and nothing contained in this Policyrestricts the right of St. John’s University to find a specific communication to violate this Policy.

Rules & Requirements

1. Right of Access: Student organization social media accounts must be open and accessible without privacy settings that restrict viewing. Should a student organization’s social media account be subject to hate speech, harassment, or other prohibited behaviors, an exception will be made to permit the blocking of the offending accounts. In that instance, the organization must notify their advisor of the account that is being blocked and the conduct that necessitated blocking. Student organizations must accept (and not block) Campus Activities (@sjuactivities) or @stjohnsu from following their social media accounts. These are official University accounts that must be able to view all content on student organization accounts at all times. “Shadow banning,” “stealth banning,” etc. is strictly prohibited.
2. Single Social Media Account: Each student organization is permitted to create one social media account. Individual members may not create social media accounts that purport to act on behalf of a student organization.
3. Non-Discrimination: Communication that discriminates on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, color, national origin, shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, religion, disability, age, or any other protected characteristic under the law or University policies, is strictly prohibited.
4. Respect and Inclusivity: All print and social media posts should promote a respectful and inclusive environment. Content should celebrate diversity and contribute to a supportive community.
5. Accuracy and Integrity: Information may not be misleading or false, including information that is published by a third-party and reposted on a social media account.
6. Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone in all communications. Remember that your print and social media presence represents your organization and St. John's University.
7. Programming: Programs hosted by a student organization shall not contain any material or content that detracts from the dignity of the human person, is incompatible with the Mission Statement or the rules and regulations of St. John’s University, or violates non-discrimination and equal opportunity under the law or the University’s policies.

Prohibited Content

1. Discriminatory Language: Language that is discriminatory, biased, ableist, offensive, vulgar, prejudiced, or profane.
o Slurs, derogatory terms, obscene language, and language that insults or degrades individuals or groups.
o Content that discriminates on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, color, national origin, shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, religion, disability, age or any other protected characteristic under the law or the University’s policies.
o Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and ableist remarks and any statements that perpetuate stereotypes or promote exclusion.
o Language that shows unfair preference or prejudice towards any group or individual.
2. Discriminatory and Offensive Images: Photos, cartoons, drawings, or images that are discriminatory, sexually explicit, depict violence, or are otherwise inappropriate.
o Images of (or the suggestion of) weapons, including but not limited to firearms, knives, and explosives.
o Images that are considered culturally insensitive or perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
o Graphic violence, nudity, derogatory depictions of individuals or groups, and any imagery that mocks or belittles any person, culture, or community.
o Hate symbols such as a confederate flag, a swastika and an iron cross.
3.Advocacy of Violence or Terrorism.
o Messages supporting an individual or group associated with terrorism, as designated by the U.S. Department of State (
4. External Sources/ Organizations: any content from external sources or organizations is held to the same rules. Student Organizations are responsible for the content they repost and for ensuring it does not violate any of the guidelines.

Best Practices for Communicating

1. Think Before You Communicate: Consider the impact of your communication on all potential audiences. If in doubt, err on the side of caution and seek a second opinion before posting.
2. Engage Positively: Use your platform to encourage positive dialogue and promote constructive conversations.
3. Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information or images of individuals without their consent.
4. Be Mindful of Representation: Ensure that your content reflects the mission, values, and diversity and inclusivity of the St. John's University community.
5. Report Inappropriate Content: If you encounter content that violates these guidelines, report it to the appropriate university authorities immediately.

Consequences of Violating Guidelines

The Student Code of Conduct shall apply to conduct on and off university premises and online.Violating this Policy may result in the organization's suspension and other appropriate disciplinary measures.

The University encourages every member of the community to report bias.For non-emergency situations, any University community member can use the online reporting form available at This form may be completed anonymously, butinclude as much information as possible so the University can respond. Bias reports can also be made to the Office of Human Resources, Equal Opportunity, and Compliance and can be reached at 718-990-1865 (press 4). In the event of an emergency, including but not limited to situations involving violence or threats of violence, please call 911 or the Department of Public Safety.This Policy is in place to ensure that the presence of student organizations at St. John's University aligns with the University's mission and values and complies with the law. By adhering to this Policy, student organizations can help create a positive, inclusive, and respectful campus and online community

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