Copyright Issues

Printed Material

The Fair Use Doctrine (1978) of the Copyright Act governs the making of the photocopies of copyrighted material. Photocopies may be made for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research as long as the reproduction or distribution is made without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage.

Film & Video

May be shown, without license, in the home (or residence hall room) or in certain narrowly defined face-to-face teaching activities. Non-classroom use in public places (i.e. TV Lounge), regardless of whether an admission fee is charged, requires a license. “Willful” infringement for the purposes of commercial or financial gain is a federal crime and is punishable as a felony. Even inadvertent infringements are subject to substantial civil damages. Your Student Life Advisor can help you purchase the appropriate license.

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